The purpose of waterfall foam is to divert water in directions that you would like it to go, such as over a waterfall. It is very important when building waterfalls that you use some type of foam to clog holes and divert water over your waterfall weir stone. If you do not use waterfall foam most likely water flowing down stream will run underneath the weir stone of your waterfall and will look bad.
It is important to not use too much foam as it tends to expand when it dries and is rather expensive at $35 a can. When the waterfall is completed you do not want to see any of the black foam. If you use too much foam it can be difficult to remove and make it so you do not see it when the waterfall is running. If you believe you have used too much foam before trying to remove it wait til it is completely dry. Once the foam is dry it should be easier to remove and also be a lit cleaner.
Be sure to wear gloves or be extra careful not to touch the waterfall foam as once it gets on your hands or skin it can be very difficult to remove sometimes taking days to finally wear off your skin. Now that we have got that covered the two things we would recommend you purchase before building a waterfall is some waterfall foam and a waterfall foam gun. When purchasing waterfall foam you want to make sure you are purchasing it from a reputable company and that the foam is specifically designed for the intended use, building waterfalls. We recommend Aquascape pro waterfall foam and gun, but there are many options to choose from. Below are the two items seen in the video and the links to purchase them
Waterfall foam gun Link
rocks instead of over top of them making the waterfalls less dramatic and overall if not you will not be able to make your waterfalls look good. Watch this video to learn how to make your waterfalls look great with plenty of water flowing over top of the rocks and not underneath them! In this video we show you how to use Aquascape professional waterfall foam.
- foam gun
- Foam
Watch the video below to learn how to use waterfall foam